
11Jul 2023

Sports Day 2023

July 11, 2023 WJGS News

It’s July and Summer term 2, which means Sports Day! Our girls at Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School love sport and are so very committed to giving their very best to each and every challenge put to them on this fantastic Day of sport. As always, we had the wonderful Croydon Athletics Arena as our venue, […]

22Jun 2023

Today Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School has dedicated the entire day in celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the arrival of the Windrush generation. HMT Empire Windrush is best remembered today for bringing one of the first large groups of post-war West Indian immigrants to the United Kingdom. The ship carried 1027 passengers and two stowaways on […]

04Jun 2023

Photographs taken by our girls are being displayed at Clapham Library. Children of Caribbean heritage were invited to photograph an artefact that connected them to their heritage – the results are fantastic! Thank you to Jim Grover  @jimgroverphoto for helping us share our Family Treasures.

28Apr 2023

Today is a day of Crowns, Tiaras and curtsies at Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School as we celebrate the Coronation of our King, Charles III. Our special guests include Councillor Alisa Flemming, the Civic Mayor of Croydon who will join the staff and girls of Winterbourne in welcoming our new King.  Our day is filled with fun, music, […]

23Mar 2023

 Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School are proud to announce that we have been certified as one of the founding members of the International Coalition of Girls’ Schools. We celebrate our shared commitment to improve life chances through the power of girl’s education. You can find out more about the International Coalition of Girls’ Schools by […]

16Mar 2023

Netball Champions!

March 16, 2023 WJGS News

The Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School Netball teams winning streak continues as we win again this week pitted against Tudor Academy and Applegarth Academy. Our girls were focussed and played superbly as a strong team, reading eachothers plays everytime to gain the upper hand and move forward to another successful day of sport. Our best final […]

15Mar 2023

The Green Project

March 15, 2023 WJGS News

Year 6 children have been busy preparing the beds and planting at the allotment today at Lyon road, Thornton Heath as part of the continuing health and wellbeing programme we are taking part in with Pamper Indulge and Give. The Green Project is a health and wellbeing programme run by the fantastic people at Pamper […]

13Mar 2023

We are so very proud of our amazing girls who won the recent Loud and Proud Debate Competition pictured here with Cllr Alisa Flemming. Launched in 2008, this annual competition seeks to engender self confidence, improve communication skills and ultimately encourage girls to play a more prominent role in public life. How does it fulfil […]

11Mar 2023

CSMA Festival 2023

March 11, 2023 WJGS News

The Croydon Schools’ Music Association’s Festival 2023 opened on Wednesday 8th March with a fantastic Choir drawn from schools across Croydon, including Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School, and conducted by Alma Burcombe. The Choir sang a variety of songs about children’s literary characters, with special appearances from some of those characters. The concert also featured guitar […]

09Mar 2023

This week we celebrated International Women’s Day 2023. The aim of the IWD 2023 #EmbraceEquity campaign theme is to get the world talking about Why equal opportunities aren’t enough. People start from different places, so true inclusion and belonging require equitable action. When we embrace equity, we embrace diversity, and we embrace inclusion. We embrace […]