At Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School, we aim to deliver a stimulating, high quality curriculum with a strong emphasis on the basic skills and knowledge, which will prepare the children well for their future. At the same time, we aim to instil in the children a life-long love of learning.
We provide Quality First Teaching, using a mastery approach for Maths, which focuses on small steps and formative assessment to ensure that all pupils have fully grasped a concept before moving on or deepening learning. We aim to make learning a rewarding and enjoyable experience by providing a range of activities and opportunities for using concrete and pictorial resources before consolidating using abstract concepts. Ensuring that all pupils are engaged and able to access tasks at greater depth, leads to good learning behaviour and enables all pupils to reach their full potential.
Maths Mastery utilises the five Big Ideas of Maths:
These are in line with the National Programmes of Study for Maths, which emphasise fluency, coherence, variation in representation and the development of increasingly sophisticated problem-solving skills.
Please click on the links below for more information: