Each year, our school celebrates British Science Week by taking part in a plethora of exciting science led projects, and this year was no exception.
We commenced our Science Week by looking at a variety of profiles of ordinary people, who have smashed and challenged the long-standing stereotypical viewpoint of what a scientist looks like. In addition to dispelling the myth about what a scientist looks like, this activity served to allow our pupils to see people from all backgrounds and themselves as scientists.
We also celebrated with a Science Enrichment day, where pupils were engaged in hands-on science activities throughout the day.
Overview and galleries:
Years 3 and 4 completed four Physics, Chemistry, and biology based activities. These were:
- Extreme Elements – Making Hailstones,
- Secret Messages – Invisible Ink,
- Active Adaptation,
- Making a Pendulum
Year 5 pupils completed engineering & maths projects, which were:
- Making spaghetti towers and
- A chemistry experiment on Oxidation.
Year 6 took part in three STEM challenges. These were:
- Windmill Challenge,
- Boat Challenge
- Parachute Challenge
Pupil Voice:
I did four activities. I enjoyed creating and hiding the moth in the playground and watching my teacher who acted as a predator, try to find it. I also made hailstones which was fun.
Year 3
I like Science because I like to explore and I get to learn about things that fascinate me. Science Enrichment Day was exciting because I learnt four new things in Science. I loved writing secret notes using citric acid best of all.
Year 4
When I do Science experiments, I do not know what results I am going to get so this intrigues me. During our enrichment day, I completed an engineering and maths project where I worked with a team to build spaghetti towers. It was challenging, especially when creating the base of the tower.
Year 5
I really looked forward our Science Enrichment Days because of the possibilities in science. Our science curriculum offers great investigations. During our enrichment, I learnt new information. My new learning was linked to Maths. I learnt how to calculate speed and time during one of the STEM challenges.
Year 6
Science gives me the chance to research phenomena and I get to use the knowledge from my research in my experiments. I always look forward to Enrichment Days because of the Hands-on projects.
Year 6