
26Nov 2018

We have a Gold Star!

November 26, 2018 WJGS News

Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School is proud to announce that we have recently been awarded the Gold Star from Transport for London in relation to their health and wellbeing “Stars Initiative”. STARS is TfL’s accreditation scheme for London schools and nurseries. STARS inspires young Londoners to travel to school sustainably, actively, responsibly and safely by championing […]

19Nov 2018

Enrichment Day

November 19, 2018 WJGS News

Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School hosted a fantastic Enrichment Day this month. The focus for this special day was history! We absolutely love history here at WJGS so this particular Enrichment Day delivered a huge buzz of excitement in every classroom. The choices of subject for the day ranged as follows: British History: Skara Brae, Anglo […]

12Nov 2018

Our extremely gifted and talented children here at Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School never stop wowing us with their talents. In this case, one of our Year Six artists who has created an absolute work of art for the Mayor of Croydon’s Christmas Card Competition. The Mayor asked children in Croydon to design a special Christmas […]

12Nov 2018

From Monday 12th November through to Friday 16th November, Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School will be taking part in Anti-Bullying Week 2018. This year, our focus is respect. Respecting eachother, our friends, our colleagues, our peers, our parents, our teachers and our elders. Being respectful is being kind to others. We will be taking part in many workshops throughout […]

09Nov 2018

On Friday 9th November Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School were extremely proud to welcome a very special guest, Councillor Bernadette Khan The Mayor for Croydon to our Remembrance Assembly. Improving equality, inclusion and supporting Croydon’s communities are the priorities of the borough’s new Mayor who has been sworn in for her year of office. Councillor Bernadette […]

09Nov 2018

Blinged Poppies

November 9, 2018 WJGS News

To mark the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the end of the 1st World War, Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School created a beautiful collection of “Blinged Up” poppies to sell and display around the  school. If you have not had the opportunity to see our poppies, we have created a picture gallery for you, which […]

08Nov 2018

On Thursday 8th November, Year Three pupils set off on an amazing historical adventure at the world renowned British Museum in London. The children were amazed by the incredible exhibits available at the Museum, including huge monuments from Ancient Egypt dating thousands of years old.  The children always enjoy their museum visits and look forward […]

08Nov 2018

On Thursday 8th November 2018, our Year Six pupils were treated to a very special workshop in the Hall hosted by the Shakespeare Company “Act On Info”. Act On Info theatre in education started back in 1999 delivering anti-bullying drama workshops in schools for the Healthy Schools Team in Manchester. We have learned a lot since […]

07Nov 2018

Harvest Festival

November 7, 2018 WJGS News

On Wednesday 7th November, Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School hosted its Harvest Assembly.  Parents and Carers were invited to help us make this special time of year a great success. All food collected will be sent to the Trussel Trust Food Bank. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents and carers who […]

01Nov 2018

The National Gallery’s Take One Picture scheme focuses on a painting from the collection to inspire cross-curricular work in primary classrooms. Each year the Gallery displays a selection of schools’ work in the Take One Picture exhibition. Find out how to get involved, or explore the free resources. Below is a gallery of our entries. Please click […]