
21Dec 2018

It’s the last day of term before the Christmas break here at WJGS and the children are all gathered in the hall for our last celebration assembly of the term, which includes our ceremony and presentation of certificates to our most outstanding students of the term. Below are pictures of our award winners with their […]

20Dec 2018

Christmas Lunch 2018

December 20, 2018 WJGS News

It’s the last week of term! With Christmas upon us and the term drawing to a close, the kitchen staff at Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School begin their preperations for our annual Christmas Feast, which took place on Thursday 20th December. We all look forward to the delicious lunches that our cooks prepare for us on […]

20Dec 2018

It’s the last week of term at Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School before the Christmas break, and we all know what that means… It’s time for the greatest show of the year! Winterbourne’s Got Talent! The girl’s manage to amaze us every year with their amazing voices, dance skills, and other talents. It was a truly […]

18Dec 2018

Year four pupils did an amazing job this month as they performed their Nativity style play entitled “Peace Child” over a three day period from 14th – 18th December to the school, the infants, and then finally, the parents. The Peace Child has been thoroughly revised with an updated script by Sue Langwade. This title […]

13Dec 2018

On the evening of Wednesday 12th December our gifted and talented Zumba dancers delivered an amazing performance to our special audience, which included our VIP guest of honour, The Mayor of Croydon, Councillor Bernadette Khan. Here are some of our children below holding the certificate awarded to them by the Mayor on this amazing evening. Well […]

12Dec 2018

On 12th December our amazing WJGS Choir set off to visit the Whitgift Centre in Croydon to wow the shoppers and commuters with a plethora of well known hymns and songs to welcome in the Festive Season and give everyone a bit of Christmas cheer! The girls did an amazing job as always and were […]

10Dec 2018

This month we had a visit from a Gymnastics coaching company called Gymspire. The Gymspire Academy aims to provide quality gymnastic classes which focus on fun. The girls that took part really enjoyed this class so we have decided to roll this out in 2019 starting in January. More information will be provided in the new […]

08Dec 2018

Christmas Disco 2018

December 8, 2018 WJGS News

Each Year Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School hosts a wonderful Christmas Disco to welcome the festive season in as the term draws to an end and to raise money for Slippers for Shelter. Well, this year was no exception as we all enjoyed an amazing evening of fun and dance. We also managed to raise a […]

27Nov 2018

We hope that you will join us at Southwark Cathedral on Thursday 29th November for an amazing evening of song as our fantastic Choir take part in the Barnardo’s Christmas Advent Carol Concert. We are so very proud of our amazing Choir and look forward to joining them on this splendid forthcoming evening in the […]

27Nov 2018

SATs Parents Evening

November 27, 2018 WJGS News

This evening Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School will be hosting a special Parents and Carers evening focussing on the forthcoming SATs Weeks in 2019 for Year Six pupils. Parents will have the opportunity to discuss this very important week with our Class Teachers and prepare for the forthcoming sats week in 2019. Parents will also get […]