
30Apr 2019

On 30th April Year 3 set off for the tranquil surroundings of Morden Hall Park as part of their science studies. Morden Hall Park is green oasis in the city, giving you a taste of a country estate with a glimpse of its agricultural and industrial history. This tranquil former deer park is one of […]

29Apr 2019

Flamenco dancing

April 29, 2019 WJGS News

On Monday 29th April our girls were learning Flamenco dancing steps as part of our investigation into Spanish history and culture. The girls really enjoyed the experience and loved the vibrancy and fast pace of the dance. It was more like a workout. We took some pictures on the day, which can be seen in […]

27Apr 2019

The most outstanding individuals and institutions that the education sector has to offer have been recognised in the shortlist for the Tes Schools Awards 2019. It’s been revealed that Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School has been shortlisted for the INNOVATIVE USE OF TECHNOLOGY TO INFLUENCE OUTCOMES award. Tes editor Ann Mroz said: It is wonderful to see such great ideas and […]

27Apr 2019

On Saturday 27th April, the Headteacher and the Head Girls were very proud to be invited to the first official act of the Kambia Partnership with the raising of the flag of Sierra Leone. We were also lucky enough to meet the Mayor of Croydon who also attended. It was a very grand experience for […]

26Apr 2019

On Thursday 25th April, Year five visited the ISKCON South London Hindu Temple in Enmore Road, South Norwood as part of their RE studies on religions. The children really enjoyed their visit and particularly enjoyed the vibrant, colourful statues and decor within the temple. We took some pictures of the visit, which can be seen in […]

05Apr 2019

Enrichment Day

April 5, 2019 WJGS News

On 4th April 2019 Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School became a hive of creativity and discovery as we celebrated Enrichment Day. We covered a plethora of exciting topics and got involved in some very creative workshops such as Anglo-Saxons- brooch making, victorians- making toys, tudors- role play, Benin- retelling of the story of Creation, prehistoric- clay […]

05Apr 2019

On the last day of term, we ended our Spring term on a high note as we celebrated the greatest achievements of the term in our Spring Awards Ceremony. The awards covered a wide range of subjects such as 100% attendance, accelerated readers, Spanish, and much more. We are so very proud of our girls […]

28Mar 2019

Yeasterday, Year 5 pupils set off to get an amazing birdseye view of London as they visited the world famous London Eye. The children were amazed at the fantastic view of the city that this landmark of london offers. We took some pictures on the day, which can be seen in the gallery below. Please […]

26Mar 2019

WJGS Newscast – March 2019 Welcome to WJGS FM; our brand new monthly newscast delivering information on all of the most exciting events coming up at Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School. Our podcast team will be sending out new newscasts every month so please keep checking back for new news feeds. [ps_audioplayer name=”wjgs-newscast-march-2019″]

26Mar 2019

Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School is proud to announce that it will be entering into a cultural exchange partnership with a Primary School in Sierra Leone, Africa as part of the local government initiative, “Croydon-Kambia Partnership. This new initiative will involve a collaboration between a Primary School in Kambia and one in Croydon; in this case, […]