22Oct 2020

Fitness and daily activity is very important to all of us at Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School. This is why everyday at 10:45 we all meet outside in our bubbles to take part in the daily mile.  Some of us sprint it, some of us jog it, some of us walk around, but we ALL take […]

05Oct 2020

Year 3 have had a wonderful day creating artwork for our Black History Month looking at portraits. Followed by a wonderful story by @Lupita_Nyongo . Lupita Amondi Nyong’o is a Kenyan-Mexican actress and author. The daughter of Kenyan politician Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o, Nyong’o was born in Mexico City, where her father was teaching, and was raised […]

02Oct 2020

Black History Month

October 2, 2020 WJGS News

As we enter the month of October, we focus more on our #BlackHistoryMonth. The whole school is reading the wonderful book-‘Coming to England’ by @FloellaBenjamin throughout the whole month. Floella Karen Yunies Benjamin, Baroness Benjamin, DBE, DL is a Trinidadian-British actress, author, television presenter, singer, businesswoman and politician. She is known as presenter of children’s programmes such […]

14Sep 2020

Roald Dahl Day

September 14, 2020 WJGS News

Today we celebrated #RoaldDahlDay. Roald Dahl was a British novelist, short-story writer, poet, screenwriter, and wartime fighter pilot. His books have sold more than 250 million copies worldwide. Dahl was born in Wales to Norwegian immigrant parents. He served in the Royal Air Force during the Second World War. The girls came into school dressed as […]

11Sep 2020

The end of Week 1!

September 11, 2020 WJGS News

We have made it! The first week of school completed and what an amazing, fun packed week of learning it was for everyone. Well done to our amazing girls for working hard and following all the new rules put in place to keep us all safe. We are so very proud of how quickly our […]

07Sep 2020

Welcome Back!

September 7, 2020 WJGS News

Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School is so very happy to welcome back it’s amazing girls after the lockdown period and the Summer break. We also give a warm welcome to our brand new Year 3 girls who have been introduced to our regular activity, “The Daily Mile”. We wish you all a great start to the […]

18Jul 2020

So the day has come to say goodbye to our year 6. We have put on a Leavers disco-#SocialDistancing of course! The girls and staff had an amazing time and we took lots of pictures throughout the day, which can be seen here and on Twitter. If you arent following us yet, please follow us! […]

10Jul 2020

We have had an extremely creative week this week with lots of extremely imaginative works of art happening throughout the school. The children have been creating art using items found in nature as their subject focus and as their materials. We have a small collection of some of these masterpieces below.

06Jul 2020

Our Year 6 have started their transition program through the wonderful world of virtual learning with the MHST team. We took some pictures, which can be seen below. Please click on the thumbnails for a larger view.

02Jul 2020

Sports Week 2020 is underway and the childsren are looking forward to taking part in the many challenges that have been created for them. Some of these challenges can be done at home due to lockdown and others have been set out to take place at school whilst continually observing social distancing. We have created […]