21Sep 2021

Year 3 Maths

September 21, 2021 WJGS News

Year 3 are learning to count in 100’s using a variety of different methods to record their 3 digit numbers. Some great paired work happening today. Why don’t you try this method at home and see how many ways you can find to count in 100’s?  We have some images below for you. Please click […]

17Sep 2021

Roald Dahl Day 21

September 17, 2021 WJGS News

It was a wonderful day of costumes, reading and wonder as the whole school celebrated Roald Dahl Day. Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School was transformed into a wonderful venue of magic, mystery, laughter and nostalgia as we all dressed as our favourite character from our most memorable Roald Dahl masterpiece of literature. We took some pictures […]

07Sep 2021

Harvesting our apples

September 7, 2021 WJGS News

As we welcome in our new term, we also welcome in the wonderful bounty of apples that our tree has offered us to eat this Autumn. Here are some pictures of the girls enjoying this fruit bounty as they harvest them for the school.

21Jul 2021

We have come to the end of another term and this academic year at Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School. This means that we are all ready for the Summer break and also sadly have to say goodbye to our amazing Year 6 girls who now take their next step on the educational ladder. As usual, the […]

21Jul 2021

After the lunch and awards, we all let our hair down for the end of year disco. The children and staff really enjoyed the afternoon as we had refreshments, great music, a photo booth and much more.

20Jul 2021

On Monday 19th July, Year 3 continued with their Enrichment projects, this time concentrating on the Japanese culture. In this instance, the girls discovered the importance of the Cherry Blossom to the Japanese people. The cherry blossom, or Sakura in the Japanese language, recalls in its symbolism the whole Japanese philosophy linked to the culture […]

05Jul 2021

As a very special treat for the amazing work that they have all been doing, Year 6 girls and staff set off for a wonderful, fun packed adventure at Windsor’s Legoland! The girls all thoroughly enjoyed the day and so did the staff. We took a good lot of pictures on the day, which can […]

01Jul 2021

Sports Day 2021

July 1, 2021 WJGS News

On Thursday 1st July Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School set off to the Croydon Sports Arena for Sports Day 2021. The sun shone down on this magnificent ground to give us all the very best day of sport at the beginning of this new month. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the many challenges they faced during the […]

23Jun 2021

On 22nd June Winterbourne Junior Girls’ School hosted a Windrush Celebration Day to pay homage to the many families who came to Britain from the West Indies on the HMT Windrush to start a new life. In 1948, Empire Windrush brought one of the first large groups of post-war West Indian immigrants to the United Kingdom, carrying […]

10Jun 2021

This week we celebrated Enrichment Day. In the gallery below, we see our Year 3 girls as they focus on understanding the science behind plants and habitats. We also look at Art and Nature around us. For a larger view, please click on the thumbnails below.